April 25-28, 2018: Neurofeedback Interchange Conference
Working with those who have suffered childhood abuse and neglect is challenging. Therapy is fraught with intense emotion, turbulent transference reactions and complicated counter transference responses. If therapy is going to succeed, both patient and therapist have to gain and maintain affect regulation. This is the vital role of neurofeedback. But finding the best neurofeedback protocols can have challenges of its own. We will briefly review what we know about the impact of developmental trauma on brain development and discuss issues of assessment and protocol development treatment with this challenging population. We’ll also take a look at how response to protocols can effect the complex dynamics of the therapeutic relationship. Case sharing will be encouraged as numbers and time permit. At least one year of experience is required. See you at the NIC!The impact of research on how we think about psychotherapy and neurofeedback. The latest neuroscience research demonstrates that early childhood trauma and neglect impact every system in the human brain. It wires itself for survival. This seminar will review the latest research on the multiple impacts of developmental trauma. We will then discuss questions such as 1. In the absence of a self-other network, what is the nature of the therapeutic relationship? 2. How do these findings impact the role of the therapist? 3. What are the possible implications for therapeutic intervention?
A reflection on this experience by those who attended and on its meaning for the future exploration of brain, body and mind. We will be joined by the young monk who organized this important meeting of minds and practice, Dai Luong.